Public safety and technology:
information is the best defense

When it comes to public safety, experts criticize the lack of “intelligence”, the set of coordinated actions that combine technology, training and strategic planning. Measures that, well directed, can save lives and optimize public and private investment.

One of the most effective tools in this process is the control of information, which allows to trace and locate groups or individuals, intercept data, and identify exactly who and how to monitor.

Maxwell Bohr projects dedicated to public safety are intended precisely to resolve concrete issues of this nature, through the development of electronic systems that are based on Software Defined Radio. A high-end equipment, which is considered the most advanced informational control in and outside Brazil.

Among its more relevant uses are tracking, and locating of wireless communications, which allow the effective actions of intelligence and even the drive of locking mechanisms. Such intelligence provides the ability to intercept and/or restrict the use of any communications signals without interrupting the operation of the system as a whole. The equipment also enables the secure transmission of data, and setting unprecedented control of communication, which is very useful for civilian and military uses, such as in cases of monitoring prisons or military actions in a wide range of environments.

The capture, processing, tracking, analysis and transmission of information are key in any decision-making process that concerns safety. The technology developed by Maxwell Bohr represents the leading edge of technology. It is a real possibility of turning science into protection, and a necessary step to put Brazil among a select group of countries that invest in technology for the safety of their population.

RUA PORTO ALEGRE, 212 - JD. AGARI - LONDRINA - PR - Phone: +55 (43) 3028 9255